Bright “Bugsy” Eyes, New Beginnings
There is something about the eyes of the young—the way they take in the world, wide and unguarded, searching for what comes next. Selena, just four months old, has eyes like that. Big “Bugsy”, questioning, full of curiosity and trust yet to be tested.

In her, I see the beginning of a journey. She doesn’t yet know fear, hesitation, or doubt—only the instinct to explore, to learn, to connect. It reminds me of the young doctors I’ve trained, the patients stepping into an unfamiliar diagnosis, the way every new beginning is both fragile and full of possibility.
Guiding Selena means protecting that curiosity while teaching her what it means to trust, to grow, to stand strong. In medicine, we do the same—nurturing new talent, steadying uncertain hands, and reminding our patients that healing starts with belief. The eyes of the young ask us one simple question: Will you lead me well?
With Selena, as in life, the answer is always the same—step forward with care, and never betray the trust placed in you.